If You Fail Your First Assessment at Walmart

The Walmart Retail Associate Assessment (RAA) or Walmart Cess Exam is an examination used to evaluate prospective candidates for employment at Walmart.

In curt, the Walmart Assessment Exam measures candidates' abilities to understand and handle situations with customers. It also tests whether or not they would be able to work under supervisors and with co-workers.

If you desire to utilize (or even be considered!) for employment at Walmart, you volition take to take the Walmart Assessment Examination. Nearly of Walmart'south hourly positions require that you pass the examination earlier starting.

Then, if y'all want to be a cashier, front cease worker, club filler, personal shopper, or any other job at Walmart, you lot will take to accept the cess exam.

Summary: Learn more near the Walmart Assessment Test below and find resources to assistance you succeed.

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Walmart Assessment Examination Outline

The assessment test is comprised of 65 questions in 4 sections.

Before anything, it must be noted that quality client service is very of import to Walmart. Most of the questions will exist customer-service based. Then, keep this high-quality customer service mentality in mind before answering the questions.

It is too crucial to sympathize that the answers vary based on position. Based on the position you are applying for depends on the answers y'all should requite. For instance, a supervisor and a cashier should not have the same answers. Our recommended prep course will help you figure out how to answer certain questions.

So, do your inquiry on the specifics of the position y'all are applying for. Check out Walmart's Career Page for hourly-position job descriptions.

Quickly check out the table below for a quick summary of each section. Beneath the table will be more than details regarding each department in terms of how many questions, question types, and more.

Section Number Section Details
1 Customer Service Scenarios
two Problem Solving at Work
three Work Feel Questionnaire
4 Personality Questionnaire

Section ane

The commencement section tests your ability to choose which potential reactions are nearly helpful and least when dealing with customers.

This department consists of scenario-based questions. You lot will exist asked to cull what reaction is best and which is worst. Make sure to read the scenario carefully as the potential reactions may seem like.

Essentially, Walmart is testing your ability to effectively handle situations that you would encounter as a retail associate. For the answer that you recall is best, click the push button all the manner to the left. In dissimilarity, click the button all the way to the right for the answer that you believe would be the worst.

Example Question for Section i: "1 of your customers has only said to you lot, 'The service hither is terrible.' You would say:"

A. "What is it nearly the service that you have not liked?"

B. "Would y'all like to fill out a complaint form? I can get one for you lot."

C. "I realize our service is poor today. Nosotros are understaffed, then I apologize."

D. "I am really deplorable to hear you say that, merely we are trying as hard as we can."

From hither, yous would rank the questions in social club of "well-nigh helpful to to the lowest degree helpful". Option "A" would be the most helpful. The club should be ranked A, B, D, C.

Section ii

This section consists multiple option questions. You will accept to examine graphics or diagrams to assist you achieve the correct answer.

Essentially, Walmart is testing your ability to handle greenbacks transactions. Bones math and logic skills are necessary for this department. In short, to work at Walmart you will have to be able to potentially handle cash transactions. This section is peculiarly critical to those applying to be a cashier. There are only a few multiple-pick questions in this department.

More than likely, the question will exist worded in a mode showing a cash register and asking you to make change.

Section 3

Section 3 consists of multiple-choice questions regarding your general work history. In this section yous'll be sharing more than most your background and prior work feel.

Walmart is trying to identify some of your personal strengths and consequently, weaknesses. The company is trying to come across if you demonstrate a work ethic that aligns with their company's values.

Also, don't worry if you don't have whatever prior work experience! Feel free to share academic, extracurricular or other relevant experiences when answering questions in this section.

It is of import to keep in mind that Walmart uses this section as an boosted screening tool.

Section 4

Section 4 is a 27-question personality test. These questions are formatted as "hold to disagree". When answering these questions, exist professional. Walmart is assessing your preferred work style and trying to sympathize if you would be fit for the job y'all are applying for.

These questions are formatted to be answered on a five-indicate scale called a "Likert Scale".

Section 4 Answering Format Example:

(one) Strongly disagree; (2) Disagree; (3) Neither hold nor disagree; (4) Agree; (5) Strongly agree

Additionally, exist consistent when answering. The personality assessment will be seeking the "aforementioned" answers past asking similar questions with different wording. Be honest with your answers!

It is important to keep in mind that Walmart uses this section as an additional screening tool.

Walmart Cess Examination Administration

Session Lengths

There is no time limit when taking the examination. So, take your fourth dimension, read advisedly, and be mindful when answering! Remember, if you fail you have to wait half-dozen months before you lot can re-test.


No fees! The Walmart Assessment Exam is free to have as information technology is part of the hiring process.

Walmart Assessment Test Requirements

It is important to note that in order to work at Walmart, you are like-minded to a groundwork check and drug screening, if applicable.

Walmart Assessment Requirements Breakdown


First, create an bidder account. This employment portal will serve equally your main betoken of reference for all things relating to the hiring process at Walmart. In fact, this employment portal is where you will be taking the assessment test.

Earlier you can register to take the Walmart Assessment Test, you will have to kickoff fill out an application. This is the commencement pace. You will not need to provide a resume or CV for hourly roles.


When a personal associate has reached out to you, an onsite interview volition be conducted.

If you accept been deemed a practiced friction match and offered a position, you will be asked to consummate side by side steps. This is when yous will be asked to have the Walmart Assessment Exam.

Next Steps

The employment portal will now let you lot know how to brainstorm taking an assessment.

Information technology is crucial that you prepare for the test before you have information technology. If you lot fail the kickoff time, yous will non exist allowed to re-test for another 6 months.

Make sure you are ready for this assessment with our recommended prep course!

Walmart Cess Exam Scores

The Walmart Assessment Test is graded as pass or fail.

Information technology is crucial that yous prepare for the test before you lot take it because if you fail the first time, yous will not exist allowed to re-exam for 6 months.

What Your Score Means

You must pass all four sections of the test to receive equally a passing score.

Since answers will vary depending on what position you are applying for, in that location is no gear up minimum number of questions that you need to get correct. Additionally, personality questions and by work experiences will, rightfully and so, vary from candidate to candidate.

Getting Your Scores

You volition receive you score immediately later finishing the Walmart Cess Test. If y'all passed information technology will show up green. If not, your score volition show equally ruddy.

Additionally, you lot would receive a phone call from HR with documentation, if you passed.

Walmart Cess Exam FAQS

Tin I however get hired at Walmart if I fail the assessment test?

99.9% of the time no. That being said, if y'all talk to your store manager there is a small possibility that you could be hired or promoted. Walmart does recognize that some people merely don't test well.

Should I watch YouTube videos like "Walmart | My Answers to the Walmart Cess Test?

NO! Answers vary per candidate and position. Additionally, answers are subjective when information technology comes to certain questions (personality questionnaire and previous work experience sections will vary!).

How long does the Walmart Assessment Examination results remain relevant on my awarding?

lx days. Your awarding will remain active for 60 days. So, if you lot truly want the job make sure to act inside the 60 24-hour interval period.

I don't have access to a computer. Can I apply in the shop on their computers or fill out a paper application?

Unfortunately, Walmart does non accept paper applications for hourly positions. They recommend checking for computer admission at local libraries or workforce solution center.

How tin can I take my Walmart Assessment Examination again?

After waiting the 6-month flow, you tin review your assessment from your dashboard. From there, yous are able to click "reset" for any specific section of your assessment. In one case hitting reset, y'all can retake that section of your cess.

Concluding Updated: 1/nineteen/2022


Source: https://www.test-guide.com/walmart-assessment-test.html#:~:text=The%20Walmart%20Assessment%20Test%20is,re%2Dtest%20for%206%20months.

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