The Bush Crime Family: the Inside Story of an American Dynasty

Concluding week I sent the Bush Family a news commodity, which describes the expiry of a woman who defendant George W. Bush of rape. Margie Schoedinger brought suit in Fort Bend County, Texas, accusing Bush-league of a series of sexual practice crimes confronting her and her husband, claiming that Bush had abducted, drugged, raped, and beaten her, and that Bush might have been male parent to her miscarried child when she dated him "as a minor." In 2003, Mrs. Schoedinger told a journalist that Bush wanted her dead; and after that year, she was shot.


Of course, none of this sounds unfamiliar to those who know of CIA Project MONARCH and MK-ULTRA. I accept been drugged, abducted, hypnotized, and raped by the goons at CIA. So have my mother, my girl, my friends, and every woman I have ever dated.



As I have described in other articles, they break into our houses under encompass of darkness, take us from our beds, sexually corruption and torture us, and wipe our memories make clean with drugs, hypnosis, and electroshock.

Why We Don't Call up: CIA's Utilize of Scopolamine (Hyoscine), Burundanga, or Devil's Jiff


These are techniques adult by the Illuminati, the Tavistock Plant, and the so-called "intelligence" community, every bit described past Cathy O'Brien, Cisco Wheeler, Dr. Katherine Horton, and witnesses before the U.S. Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight.

Books past Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler on Illuminati Listen Control Techniques

Transcript from Senate Select Committee on Intelligence re MK-ULTRA

cisco wheeler illuminati book

Bush'southward male parent, George Herbert Walker Bush-league, was managing director of the CIA. He oversaw these programs, and these obscene crimes against American citizens–when he wasn't ordering the assassinations of foreign leaders and staging drug wars in foreign countries (so those drugs could be imported into America).

Remembering George Bush-league: Pedophilia, Cocaine & Murder


Given the criminality of the Bush Family unit, information technology is neither surprising that George W. Bush-league raped Margie Schoedinger nor that CIA killed her for suing him.


Of course, Margie Schoedinger'due south story was not picked upwards by the national news, but it appeared only in a local newspaper. That'south what Performance MOCKINGBIRD, through which CIA controls fake news, is all about.


CIA is less diligent about protecting the Clintons. None of them was the manager of Key Intelligence. Then, sometimes, word leaks out.

clinton.bags Many have read Clinton Greenbacks, past Peter Schweizer, merely fewer have read The Bush Law-breaking Family, by Roger Stone and Saint John Hunt. Perhaps I'thousand just biased to the right, or maybe I have been given suggestions not to suspect the Bush family unit. After all, similar their spawn, I attended Phillips University, Andover, although only for a short time.

bush crime family

The Clintons are just then oily. I had read that Bill Clinton took more than twenty-six trips to Jeffrey Epstein's private isle, where underage girls were kept as sex activity-slaves.

clinton 11

I had also read that Hillary Clinton, a Grande Dame of the Illuminati, with her married man, had raped Cathy O'Brien, helped Laura Silsby with a child trafficking charge in Haiti, and worked with known pedophile John Podesta, who was chairman of her presidential campaign, deputy chief of staff and press secretary for her hubby, and co-chairman of the Obama-Biden Transition Projection.


And, if you ask me, the Podesta Brothers should exist investigated for their art collection alone….

But, of course, the national press covers none of this. CIA organ SNOPES says that "Pizzagate" is a "conspiracy theory"—and we all know those aren't existent….


Merely back to the Bushes (who threw in with Clinton against Trump). As soon as I tweeted them the article about W'south crimes, and CIA a link to my site, I received a death threat. My calculator was hacked, its security organisation failed, and my daughter's personal information popped up on the screen. Finally, while I was tweeting my commodity on heed control patents to people writing about CIA affiliate Marking Zuckerberg, the founder of FaceBook, my Twitter account was mysteriously suspended:

Patents for Mind Control Technology


I have reported the threats, as I accept reported the rape of my child, to the FBI, and I promise they are proceeding with an investigation.

Less importantly, I am working with Twitter to get my account back online….

CIA lies behind MK-ULTRA, PROJECT MONARCH, SLEEPING BEAUTY, BLUEBIRD, and the CHINA LAKE Projection, under which I and my family have been driveling. Just at present information technology'south getting personal for me and the Bushes. After all, West's father, George Herbert Walker Bush-league, was head of CIA, and he oversaw these illegal and obscene programs, which Congress has investigated, and under which millions of Americans keep to be abused.

And it really gets personal when I read what George H.W. Bush did to Cathy O'Brien's iii-year-old daughter Kelly, when he forcibly sodomized her.

Cathy O'Brien: An American Hero

Bush-league was wearing canvas gunkhole shoes and a cardigan sweater every bit he knelt on 1 knee in front of Kelly in order to talk to her on her level. Bush used the children's television set program Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood to scramble/confuse young victims' (like Kelly'southward) retentiveness of contact with him and his sexual abuse. His concrete resemblance to TV'due south Fred Rogers was deliberately exaggerated by his choice of clothes and mannerisms, and is further compounded by his developed vocal impersonation. Using his all-time Mr. Rogers voice he said, "Come here, Piddling I. I want to inquire yous something. Do you lot watch Mr, Rogers' Neighborhood?"

"Yes, Sir," Kelly responded.

Bush-league told Kelly, "Well, I'm kind of like Mr. Rogers when he makes his puppets move and talk—similar your daddy (Houston, ventriloquist) does with Elemer (his dummy). Merely I'm similar Mr. Rogers because I take lots of puppets—only mine are people. I even have a Rex (Fahd) merely like Mr. Rogers.  I pull the strings (he pantomimed marionette paw movements) and I talk through them. They say my words and nosotros create all kinds of heady Adventures. Right now I'thou building a new Neighborhood (the New World Order). The stage is ready, and I have concord of everyone'southward strings. I demand you to help me— together we tin can pull your female parent's strings. She'south in my Neighborhood. That means yous're in my Neighborhood, also."

It seems obvious to me now that Bush was referring to those actively engaged in implementing the New Earth Order through chaos and mass heed control (aka media conditioning) as "The Neighborhood". Of course I was unable to consider disputing Bush's statement, and Kelly was certainly not of a mind to encounter beyond Bush's twist on her favorite boob tube program. Kelly'southward large blue optics grew even wider as she responded, "I am?"

Bush stood upwards and took her hand, "C'mon. Let me show you my Neighborhood," He led her out the door.

Kelly became violently physically ill afterwards her induction into George Bush-league's "Neighborhood." and from every sexual encounter she had with him thereafter. She ran 104-6 degree temperatures, vomited and endured immobilizing headaches for an average of three days (equally is consequent with loftier voltage trauma). These were the only tell-tale evidences aside from the scarring burns left on her skin. Houston forbade me to telephone call a doctor, and Kelly forbade me to comfort her, pitifully complaining that her head "hurt too bad to even move". And she did non move for hours on stop. Kelly ofttimes complained of severe kidney pain, and her rectum usually bled for a day or two afterward Bush-league sexually driveling her. My ain mind-control victimization rendered me unable to assist or protect her. Seeing my kid in such horrible condition drove my ain wedge of insanity in deeper, perpetuating my total disability to affect her needs until our rescue past Marker Phillips in 1988.

Kelly's bleeding rectum was but ane of many concrete indicators of George Bosh'south pedophile perversions, I accept overheard him speak blatantly of his sexual abuse of her on many occasions.

He used this and threats to her life to "pull my strings" and control me.

The Bush Family is a pack of satanists who commit crimes against humanity. But where did they start?

Expect first at their progenitor, Prescott Bush-league, a senator from Connecticut, although his family now pretends to exist from Texas. This man financed Hitler's rising to ability through Matrimony Banking Corporation, partnered with Brown Brothers Harriman, run past another Illuminati family unit, and Allen Dulles, and so a lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell, later head of CIA.

The Bush-league Family's Links To Nazi Germany

American papers largely ignore this, simply, at least in Frg, one raised the question.


Prescott Bush's visitor's avails were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, and his dealings have led more than than threescore years later to a multi-billion dollar ceremonious activity for damages brought in Deutschland against the Bush Family by 2 old slave laborers at Auschwitz.


The prove has prompted 1 old U.S. Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that Bush should accept been personally prosecuted for giving aid and comfort to the enemy:

How Prescott Bush Financed Hitler's Rise To Power


Afterward the Nazis lost World War Two, CIA made sure their scientists came to America. They called it OPERATION PAPERCLIP. Wernher von Braun, a war criminal who designed rockets congenital with slave labor, which killed civilians in England, headed NASA. And Sidney Gottlieb headed Project MK-ULTRA, under which the CIA continues to commit horrific crimes against Americans. Especially given the apply of Zerstetzung and Gestapo techniques confronting us today, and the employment of the head of Due east German Stasi, Markus Wolf, by the Department of Homeland Security, information technology starts to look as if the Nazis won the war. Certainly, the Illuminati did….


Anyway, when he wasn't financing Hitler, Prescott Bush teamed upwards with Illuminati families such every bit the Harrimans, the DuPonts, the Rockefellers, and the Hearsts, plus the Knights of Malta, to overthrow the U.s. regime. Full general Smedley Butler, USMC, a real American hero, two-time winner of the Medal of Honor, blew the whistle on the Business organisation Plot concocted past Bush and his co-conspirators. Bush, like others, should have been executed for treason, but no one was ever prosecuted….

Smedley Butler & The Business Plot: War Is A Racket


Well. Prescott Bush-league failed in his attempt to electrocute President Franklin D. Roosevelt, but his son seems to have succeeded in helping to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.

Why Kennedy Was Killed, Why We Fought In Vietnam, & Why We're Nevertheless In Afghanistan


Certainly he was in that location. One day before Kennedy was assassinated, an advertisement in the Dallas Morning News stated that George Bush, president, Zapata Off-Shore Co., would exist speaking for the American Clan of Oilwell Drilling contractors at 6:xxx p.g., the next mean solar day at the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel. And an FBI memo written by J. Edgar Hoover stated that "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" furnished background information for a warning ane mean solar day after the assassination.


But on the day of the assassination, FBI Special Agent Graham Kitchell wrote that "Mr. George H.W. Bush-league, President of the Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525 Briar, Houston, telephonically furnished this following information to writer by a long distance telephone call from Tyler, Texas," which is a pocket-sized town about ane hundred miles due east of Dallas. Why wasn't he at his meeting?

bush-jfk4 The written report says that Bush suspected James Parrott, a student at the University of Texas, in connectedness with the bump-off. Only after cursory investigation, the tip was found to exist useless.

So why would Bush have called in a pointless tip well-nigh a student at the Academy of Texas? And why would he have made a point to say he was calling from Tyler, when he was supposed to speak at a meeting the evening of the shooting. Maybe he fled the city. Or maybe he was trying establish an alibi, since he had been photographed in front end of the Dallas Book Repository moments afterwards JFK was killed….


Everyone who lived through the Kennedy bump-off remembers exactly where they were and exactly what they were doing when the terrible affair happened. And I mean exactly. It's like 911. I know where I was, and my memory is extra articulate. Trauma can highlight a retention, just as information technology tin erase it—something MK-ULTRA programmers know all besides well.

But when George H.West. Bush-league, Manager of the CIA, was asked where he was that day, he said only, "Somewhere in Texas…."


Meanwhile his son George W. Bush seems to have been walking around Dealey Plaza, correct where Kennedy was shot….


There is and so much to say nearly the assassination of John F. Kennedy, whose alleged shooter Lee Harvey Oswald was killed in police custody only two days afterwards Kennedy died, whose brother Robert F. Kennedy was killed by "delta assassinator" Sirhan Sirhan, and whose son died in a plane crash shortly after he began to ask serious questions most his father's death. Of course, besides, Marilyn Monroe, a "beta sex-kitten," was in the wings, and died shortly after, and so was Jackie Kennedy, a "beta presidential model," about whom I have written elsewhere:

The Kennedy Assassination – Jackie'due south Dress

Illuminati, CIA, and MK-ULTRA are written all over this thing. And Oliver Stone's motion-picture show, JFK, is a good introduction. Are we really to believe that these people killed ane president of the United States, later trying to kill some other, only to pace away from the game….




One wonders, too, what function quondam CIA Manager and then Vice President George H.Due west. Bush had to exercise with the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981. After all, he would accept become president had it succeeded….

Bush Bending To Reagan Shooting Withal Unresolved


Who are these people? They are the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve, the CIA, and the Bush Family. And what are they? Satanists.


It is widely declared that Barbara Bush-league, wife of CIA Managing director George H.W. Bush, is the illegitimate child of satanist Aleister Crowley, otherwise known equally the Corking Brute.

bush crowley 5

Note the resemblance:

bush crowley

bush crowley 2

Bush Crowley 07

The Clintons' thing is the Rhodes Scholarship, some other Illuminati grooming ground; but each of Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush-league belonged to Skull and Bones, a surreptitious society at Yale Academy, with ties to "Old Nick."



GOG and MAGOG are their satanic names, and they sometimes like to wear funny hats with the insignia of BAPHOMET:


Merely equally members of the House of Windsor are adorned with the same satanic symbol:


As is Christine LaGarde, the Managing Manager of the International Monetary Fund, who took over from her predecessor, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who faced charges of sexual set on, attempted rape, and "aggravated pimping"—and who also admitted in courtroom that he was "a bit cruel with women."


No wonder people think the Bushes were behind the simulated flag attacks on the Earth Merchandise Heart.

George Westward. Bush was president when it happened. But peradventure more importantly his blood brother Marvin Bush was on the lath of directors for the company that maintained security for the World Trade Center, for Washington Dulles Airdrome where hijackers boarded a plane, and for the flights that hit both the Southward Belfry and Pennsylvania.

There'due south a lot more than to this:






Then, of form, there is W's father'southward speech to Congress on September xi, 1990, exactly 11 (11) years to the appointment before the simulated flag attack on the Twin Towers, an attack that led to the so-chosen War on Terror, an endless war, with no definable enemy, completely unwinnable, that results in a horrific loss of private rights, a massive budget for the so-called "intelligence" customs, and the rise of the police state.  It'southward a war on us, brought dwelling by the death threats made confronting me and my daughter just last week, and the continued sexual assaults on everyone I know:


This is the New World Order, and, my God, they are dirty. Some people fifty-fifty say that George W. Bush-league pimped his daughters, Jenna and Barbara, known to insiders every bit the "Weird Sisters," to a Saudi prince. Information technology'southward not hard to believe.

More on Chateau des Amerois, 1 G Points of Lite, and the Bush Family unit

bush twins

Aside from books like The Bush Crime Family unit, in that location are videos near these scum on YouTube.  A fighter in the resistance, Tami Friedman, sent me ane today, almost ii months subsequently I wrote this article, and I am posting it below.  Learn how Barbara Bush, the "Moon Child" kept her aborted baby in a jar, showed information technology to her son, and W thinks this is normal.  Seeing is believing, and I'd similar for them to have the last word.  Below, you can scout mother and son tell the story to Larry Rex.

Let's defer to our leaders in the New Globe Social club.  Bush the Elder said it best….



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