Illustrator My Symbol Wont Show Up in Map Art

How to Create Symbols for Mapping Artwork to 3D Objects in Adobe Illustrator

See Adobe Illustrator: Tips and Tricks for similar articles.

In that location are different techniques for creating three-dimensional renderings of art work in Illustrator. This is particularly useful for packaging and ecology designers. In this tutorial, the Extrude & Bevel effect will be used.

While mapping art to the Bevel & Extrude effect is possible in previous versions, the technique detailed hither for creating the symbols is specific to Illustrator CC 2017.

  1. Hither's the packaging layout: Artwork
  2. The first step is to separate the artwork into individual panels and turn each panel into a symbol. There are different means to do this. One piece of cake way is to create new artboards sized to the dimensions of each panel and so export them. Select the Artboard Tool [ Artboard Tool ]. Create a new artboard anywhere on the pasteboard outside the current artboard, so get to the Options Bar and prepare the Width and Top to the dimensions of a console. Options Bar
  3. Position the artboard over the beginning panel in the layout. Artboard
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you have six new artboards for the forepart, back, left, right, peak and bottom panels. You may want to proper noun your artboards every bit you create them, which tin can also exist washed in the Options Bar. Artboards
  5. In the Layers Panel, plough off the visibility any non-fine art layers, such as dielines. Layers Panel
  6. Go to File > Export > Export Equally. File Menu
  7. In the dialog box, set up Save as Blazon to JPEG. Check Use Artboards, and then prepare the Range to 2-7. Click Export. Export Dialog Box
  8. In the next dialog box, set the Color Model to CMYK, the Quality to ten (Maximum) and the Resolution to Loftier (300 ppi). JPEG Options
  9. Create a new document (File > New).
  10. Get to File > Place. Select the six panel images and make sure none of the options are checked, then click Place. Place Dialog Box
  11. Click to identify each of the six images. Placed Images
  12. Now it's fourth dimension to turn the images into symbols. Open the Symbols Console (Window > Symbols) and click the carte du jour to choose Select All Unused. Symbols Panel
  13. With the default symbols selected click the Delete push. Symbols Panel
  14. Drag each of the panel images into the Symbols Panel, naming them appropriately in the dialog box that opens. Symbol Options
  15. In one case all of the panel images have been turned into symbols, the images can be deleted from the artboard.
  16. Select the Rectangle Tool and create a rectangle the aforementioned size equally the front console. Set the Make full to white and Stroke to none.
  17. With the rectangle selected, open the Appearance Panel. Click the fx button and go to 3D > Extrude & Bevel.
  18. Set the X, Y and Z Axes to the desired angles, and so set the Extrude Depth to the width of the side panel. (Tip: Y'all tin enter the dimension in inches, simply be certain to type the " at the terminate.) Bank check Preview to run across information technology have effect in the art. Extrude & Bevel Options
  19. Uncheck Preview, then click Map Fine art. The Map Fine art dialog box maps symbols to surfaces. Map Art
  20. Select the peak symbol from the Symbol menu and turn on Preview. Map Art
  21. Alter the Surface to 2 of 6 and select the bottom symbol from the Symbol menu. Map Art
  22. Change the Surface to three of 6 and select the right symbol from the Symbol. The previewed fine art will be upside-down. Hover outside 1 of the corners of the displayed symbol in the dialog box so that the cursor changes to the rotate icon. Click and drag to rotate the symbol. Holding down the Shift key will constrain the rotation to 22.v° angles. Map Art
  23. Continue mapping the other iii surfaces to the corresponding symbols, even the surfaces that won't be visible. Rotate symbols equally needed.
  24. One time the surfaces have been mapped, lighting effects tin exist added by turning on Shade Artwork. Map Art
  25. Click OK to close the Map Fine art dialog box, so click OK once more to finalize the 3D consequence.

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