Is an Apparel Merchandise Degree a Bachelors of Arts?

your adventure in

Dress, Merchandising, and Pattern

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Administered by the Section of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management. Leading to the caste bachelor of science.

Total credits required: 123 including a minimum of xviii credits in AMD at Iowa State University for the degree (12 of the xviii credits must be at the 300-400 level). The major in wearing apparel, merchandising, and design provides a wide-based program of written report with flexibility in creating programme options. Courses are required in general didactics and the wearing apparel industry professional core. To complete the program, a student selects a master pick from design, product development and innovation, product management and sourcing, merchandising and retail analytics, or fashion communication.

Minors and a document are available in dress, merchandising, and design: (a) textile science and product functioning or (b) a fabric design minor in collaboration with the College of Design; and a merchandising certificate.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students should be able to:

  1. Communication. Use articulate and constructive written, oral, verbal and electronic (WOVE) communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and engagement in apparel and related industries.
  2. Cocky-assessment/self-reflection. Analyze and evaluate one's ain cognition, abilities, and actions relative to professional standards, seek opportunities to grow professionally, and utilize self-cess and assessment of others to foster psychological, cognitive, social and emotional well-existence.
  3. Critical thinking. Sympathise fundamental concepts of apparel, merchandising, and blueprint and apply critical thinking to solve bug from personal, scholarly, and professional perspectives.
  4. Ethics, Multifariousness, and Social Responsibility. Demonstrate leadership and social justice to improve quality of life for global citizens and encourage socially responsible decision-making for consumers and businesses.


The program offers study for the degree of Available of Science with a major in apparel, merchandising, and blueprint (AMD). The plan offers students a broad agreement of textile and apparel products, merchandising and marketing strategies, technical and creative blueprint, product development, product processes, and business concern practices leading to a wide range of careers at state, national, and international levels in business and industry. Courses in the program provide scientific, technical, and humanistic noesis most textiles, dress, and related products basic to career training. Courses also provide knowledge applicable to the development and use of wearing apparel and material products by individuals, families, and institutions. The program provides a foundation for graduate study. Graduates understand the production, distribution, and employ of textiles and apparel, artful expression, and communication. They are prepared to plan, develop, source and present material and dress products to run into the needs of consumers. Students empathise the issues involved in textile and apparel production and marketing, both nationally and internationally.

The AMD major provides a broad-based program of study with flexibility in creating an individualized plan. To complete the program, a student combines general education, AMD core classes, and a structure of focused courses to form an option in: (a) creative and technical pattern, (b) manner communication, (c) product development and innovation, (d) production direction and sourcing, or (e) merchandising and retail analytics.

An pick increative and technical pattern is advisable for those interested in the aesthetic and artistic aspects of pattern, technical design, costuming, material design, and production development. Thefashion communications selection prepares students for the development and delivery of visual, written, and oral advice. Career opportunities are in visual merchandising, styling, mode influencing, social media, and communication.  An selection inproduct development and innovation is appropriate for those interested in developing innovative products for special markets including accessories, footwear, performance wear, smart textiles, functional apparel, and soft-goods for dwelling. Career opportunities include designer, materials testing, quality balls, and technical design. Theproduct management and sourcing option is advisable for those interested in both line planning, product development, and merchandising products or lines for consumer groups, sourcing, quality balls, and manufacturing. An pick inmerchandising and retail analytics prepares students for the planning, promotion, and presentation of market place-oriented production lines and events. Career opportunities are in buying, promotion, sales, product development, branding, and management in both manufacturing and retailing sectors with a focus on the material and clothes manufacture.

***Instead of a portfolio review for admission, students in thecreative and technical design option have a review of their first yr pattern skills (AMD 206 Design Selective Advancement) after completing AMD 121 Apparel Assembly, AMD 131 Overview of the Fashion Industry, AMD 178 Introduction to Fashion Design Studio, and AMD 204 Cloth Scientific discipline. The AMD 206 Blueprint Selective Advancement projection is scored by design industry professionals and determines if/when students move forward into the creative and technical design selection.

For additional courses of interest, run across Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management.


All students majoring in dress, merchandising, and design are required to earn a C- or better in all AESHM and AMD courses applied toward  the caste, including transfer credits.


Undergraduate English proficiency is certified when the student has received a course of C or better in ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication, and ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition.

Curriculum in Apparel, Merchandising, and Blueprint

Administered past the Department of Clothes, Events, and Hospitality Management (AESHM). Leading to the caste bachelor of science.

Total credits required: 123, including a minimum of eighteen credits in AMD at Iowa State Academy for the degree (12 of the 18 credits must be at the 300-400 level). Leads to the degree Available of Science. Administered past the AESHM Department. All students majoring in Apparel, Merchandising, and Design (AMD) are required to earn a C- or better in all AMD, AESHM, Event, and HSP 1000 courses applied toward the degree, including transfer credits. All students majoring in Wearing apparel, Merchandising, and Pattern (AMD) are required to earn a C or ameliorate in ENGL 150 and ENGL 250.  No courses may exist applied to more than one caste requirement except those used to run across Usa Variety and International Perspective requirements.

Cr. Degree Requirements

Communications Skills
ENGL 150 Critical Thinking and Communication 3
ENGL 250 Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition iii
LIB 160 Introduction to College Level Research ane
Select ane (i) class: iii


Communication and U.S. Diverseness


Professional Communication


Conflict Management

SP CM 212

Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Full Credits 10
 Mathematics and Scientific discipline Disciplines
Mathematics (MATH 150 recommended for merchandising) three
Select from natural sciences. Artistic and technical design, product development, and production innovation options must take CHEM 163 and CHEM 163L. 3-five
Select i (ane) course: iii-4

STAT 101

Principles of Statistics

STAT 104

Introduction to Statistics

STAT 226

Introduction to Business Statistics I
Total Credits 9-12
Social Sciences and Humanities
ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics iii
A M D 165 Wearing apparel, Appearance, and Diversity in U.Due south. Society 3
A Yard D 356 Fashion History 2: Mid-19th Century to the Present 3
History/Art History (creative and tech design: ART H Required) three
Select 1 (1) course: 3

A M D 354

Fashion History I: Prehistoric to Mid-19th Century

A M D 362

Cultural Perspectives of Global Dress

A G D 458

Queer Fashions: History, Culture, and the Industry
Total Credits 15
AESHM Professional Evolution
AESHM 111 Professional Evolution for AESHM one
AESHM 111L AESHM Programme Orientation, Careers, and Learning Community 1
AESHM 211 Leadership Experiences and Development (Atomic number 82) 3
AESHM 311N Seminar on Careers and Internships: Apparel, Merchandising, and Blueprint 1
AESHM 470MX or AESHM 470N Supervised Professional person Internship: Apparel (Out-of-state) or Supervised Professional Internship: Wearing apparel three-six


Supervised Work Feel I: Apparel


First Year Student Field Study: Clothes, Merchandising, and Design


Orientation to U.Due south. Field Written report


Orientation to International Field Written report


Supervised Work Experience II: Apparel


Principles of Management in Human Sciences


U.Due south. Field Study: Apparel, Merchandising, and Design


International Field Study: Clothes, Merchandising, and Blueprint


Developing Global Leadership: Maximizing Human Potential
Total Credits 9-12
AMD Integrated Cadre
A M D 131 Fashion Products and Markets 3
A M D 204 Textile Science iv
A Chiliad D 210 Computer Applications in Digital Design three
A M D 231 Production Evolution and Manufacturing four
A M D 245 Aesthetics and Brand Epitome 3
A K D 275 Retail Merchandising 3
A Thousand D 372 Sourcing and Global Issues 3
COM Due south 113 Introduction to Spreadsheets and Databases iii
Total Credits 26

Master Options

Select one AMD professional person primary option from the following five choices:

Creative and Technical Design Main Option
A Yard D 121 Dress Associates Processes four
A Thousand D 178 Introduction to Apparel Design Studio 3
A Yard D 206 Design Selective Advancement R
A M D 225 Patternmaking I: Drafting and Apartment Pattern 3
A G D 278 Fashion Illustration 3
A M D 310 Computer Aided Clothes Patternnmaking 3
A M D 321 Computer Integrated Textile and Fashion Pattern 3
A Thou D 325 Patternmaking II: Draping three
A M D 329 Digital Textile Printing for Dress Design 3
A G D 415 Technical Pattern Processes 3
A One thousand D 495 Senior Design Studio 3
Select i (1) course: iii

A M D 305

Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel

A M D 404

Innovative Textiles

A 1000 D 431

Apparel Production Management
Select one (1) grade: 3

A M D 354

Way History I: Prehistoric to Mid-19th Century

A G D 362

Cultural Perspectives of Global Dress

A 1000 D 458

Queer Fashions: History, Culture, and the Manufacture
Select two (2) courses: half-dozen
Total Credits 43
Product Evolution and Innovation Primary Option
A M D 121 Apparel Assembly Processes 4
A M D 178 Introduction to Apparel Design Studio 3
A Thou D 225 Patternmaking I: Drafting and Flat Design 3
or A M D 226X 3D Designing and Patternmaking for Soft Good Product Development
A K D 305 Quality Balls of Textiles and Apparel three
A M D 321 Computer Integrated Textile and Manner Pattern 3
A M D 376 Merchandise Planning and Ownership 4
A M D 404 Innovative Textiles iii
A M D 431 Apparel Production Management 3
A G D 496 Soft-Appurtenances Product Development and Prototyping iii
DSN S 131 Drawing I four
Select three (3) courses: nine
Full Credits 42
Production Direction and Sourcing Main Option
A Grand D 121 Clothes Assembly Processes 4
A M D 178 Introduction to Apparel Design Studio iii
A Grand D 226X 3D Designing and Patternmaking for Soft Expert Product Development iii
A M D 305 Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel three
A Thousand D 376 Merchandise Planning and Buying 4
A 1000 D 415 Technical Design Processes iii
A One thousand D 431 Apparel Production Management 3
A M D 467 Consumer Studies in Clothes and Mode Products 3
A Yard D 496 Soft-Goods Product Development and Prototyping 3
AESHM 340 Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies 3
or MKT 340 Principles of Marketing
ACCT 284 Financial Accounting 3
SCM 301 Supply Chain Management 3
Select 1 (1) course: three
Full Credits 41
Merchandising and Retail Analytics Primary Option
ACCT 284 Financial Bookkeeping iii
AESHM 340 Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies 3
or MKT 340 Principles of Marketing
AESHM 474 Entrepreneurship in Human being Sciences 3
A M D 375 Omni-Channel Retailing 3
A M D 376 Trade Planning and Ownership 4
A Thou D 377 Visual Presentation and Promotions 3
A M D 388X Tendency Forecasting 3
A M D 467 Consumer Studies in Apparel and Way Products iii
A M D 475 Retail Data Analysis 3
DS 201 Introduction to Data Scientific discipline 3
Select four (4) courses from: 12-14
Total Credits 43-45
Mode Communication Primary Option
ACCT 284 Financial Accounting 2-3
or AESHM 175N Fiscal Applications for Retail and Hospitality Industries: Retail Merchandising
AESHM 340 Hospitality and Apparel Marketing Strategies 3
or MKT 340 Principles of Marketing
AESHM 474 Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences iii
A Thou D 288X Styling 3
A M D 376 Merchandise Planning and Buying 4
A Yard D 377 Visual Presentation and Promotions iii
A M D 388X Trend Forecasting three
Upshot 171 Introduction to Event Management three
EVENT 277 Introduction to Digital Promotion in Event Management 3
Select one (1) course from: iii
Select two (ii) courses from: 6
Approved minor or double major, including ADVRT, COM ST, D South, Consequence, JL MC, PR, or Technical Communications.
Total Credits 36-37

Apparel Merchandising, Blueprint B.S. - Artistic and Technical Design Primary Choice

Autumn Credits Spring Credits
ENGL 150 3 ENGL 250 3
A M D 131 (Autumn only) 3 MATH 140 3
A M D 165 3 A 1000 D 121 4
A M D 178 iii A 1000 D 204 4
AESHM 111 1 A M D 206 R
AESHM 111L 1 A M D 245 3
LIB 160 1
15 17
Autumn Credits Leap Credits
A M D 210 3 A M D 225 3
A One thousand D 275 iii AESHM 211 three
A M D 278 iii Art H 281 three
Humanities & Social Scientific discipline Choice iii COM South 113 three
CHEM 163 four ECON 101 iii
CHEM 163L i
17 15
Fall Credits Bound Credits Summer Credits
A M D 231 iv A One thousand D 310 3 AESHM 470N 5
A Thousand D 321 3 A 1000 D 329 3
A Thou D 325 three A M D 356 iii
AESHM 311N ane AESHM 280 R
STAT 101 4 AESHM 380N 3
Speech Choice three
15 15 v
Fall Credits Spring Credits
Creative & Technical Blueprint Option Elective one 3 Creative & Technical Design Option Elective ii three
A Grand D 372 three A M D 431 (Jump only) three
A M D 415 iii A Thousand D 362 (Spring only) 3
A Chiliad D 495 3 Constituent three
12 12
Total Credits: 123

Apparel Merchandising, Design B.Southward. - Merchandising Retail Analytics Primary Option

Fall Credits Bound Credits
ENGL 150 3 ENGL 250 three
A M D 131 (Fall but) 3 A M D 275 3
A M D 165 3 COM S 113 3
AESHM 111 ane ECON 101 3
AESHM 111L 1 Merchandising Elective one 3
LIB 160 ane
Math Pick 3
15 15
Fall Credits Spring Credits
A M D 204 4 A Chiliad D 376 four
A 1000 D 210 3 A M D 356 3
A Chiliad D 245 three AESHM 211 3
ACCT 284 3 DS 201 3
History Selection 3 Select one (1) class from: three


MKT 340

16 16
Autumn Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
A M D 231 iv A 1000 D 375 (Jump but) iii AESHM 470N 4
A M D 377 3 A M D 475 three
A M D 388X 3 AESHM 280 R
AESHM 311N one AESHM 380N 3
Merchandising Option Elective 2 3 Merchandising Choice Constituent iii 3
Science Choice 3 STAT 101 4
17 16 iv
Fall Credits Jump Credits
A M D 372 3 AESHM 474 iii
A M D 467 (Autumn only) iii Merchandising Elective 4 3
Humanities or Social Science Constituent 3 Speech Choice 3
Constituent 3 Constituent 3
12 12
Total Credits: 123

Dress Merchandising, Design B.S. - Product Development Innovation Primary Selection

Fall Credits Bound Credits
ENGL 150 three ENGL 250 3
A Thou D 131 iii MATH 140 three
A M D 165 three A M D 121 4
A M D 178 3 A Yard D 204 4
AESHM 111 ane A M D 206 R
AESHM 111L 1 A M D 245 3
LIB 160 one
15 17
Fall Credits Spring Credits
A M D 210 3 A M D 231 four
A 1000 D 275 3 A M D 226X 3
DSN South 131 four AESHM 211 three
ECON 101 3 AESHM 311N 1
Social Science or Humanities Selection 3 CHEM 163 4
CHEM 163L one
16 sixteen
Fall Credits Bound Credits Summer Credits
A Thousand D 376 four A Chiliad D 321 3 AESHM 470N 3
AESHM 280 R A M D 356 (Bound but) 3
AESHM 380N iii A M D 372 3
COM S 113 iii A Grand D 404 (Spring merely) iii
Product Development and Innovation Elective 1 3 History or Art History Option 3
STAT 101 4
17 15 iii
Autumn Credits Spring Credits
A Grand D 305 (Fall only) 3 A Thousand D 431 (Bound merely) 3
Product Evolution and Innovation Elective 2 three A M D 496 (Spring only) iii
Spoken language Selection iii Product Development and Innovation Elective 3 3
Constituent 3 Elective 3
12 12
Total Credits: 123

Wearing apparel, Merchandising, and Design, B.Southward. -- Product Management Sourcing Main Option

Fall Credits Spring Credits
ENGL 150 3 ENGL 250 3
A M D 131 (Fall only) 3 A Chiliad D 121 4
A G D 165 iii A M D 204 four
A G D 178 3 A M D 206 R
AESHM 111 one A M D 245 3
AESHM 111L ane MATH 140 3
LIB 160 1
fifteen 17
Fall Credits Bound Credits
A Chiliad D 210 3 ACCT 284 3
A Thou D 275 3 A Chiliad D 231 four
AESHM 211 3 A M D 226X iii
CHEM 163 4 AESHM 280 R
CHEM 163L one AESHM 380N 3
ECON 101 3 AESHM 311N i
Social Scientific discipline or Humanities Choice 3
17 17
Fall Credits Bound Credits Summer Credits
A M D 376 4 A M D 356 (Spring only) 3 AESHM 470N 5
COM S 113 3 A Thou D 372 iii
Select one (1) class from: 3 Professional Development Constituent 3


Oral communication Choice 3

MKT 340

STAT 101 4
History Pick 3
17 12 5
Fall Credits Spring Credits
A 1000 D 305 three A Thousand D 431 (Leap only) 3
A M D 415 3 A 1000 D 496 (Spring but) 3
A M D 467 3 Constituent 3
Elective 3 SCM 301 3
12 12
Total Credits: 124

 Apparel, Merchandising, and Design, B.S. -- Fashion Communications Main Option

Fall Credits Spring Credits
ENGL 150 3 ENGL 250 3
A M D 131 (Fall only) iii A M D 210 3
A M D 165 3 A M D 245 3
AESHM 111 i Effect 171 iii
AESHM 111L 1 Style Communications Elective 1 three
LIB 160 1
Social Science or Humanities Selection 3
15 15
Fall Credits Jump Credits
A Chiliad D 204 4 ACCT 284 3
A M D 275 3 A M D 376 iv
Select i (one) grade from: 3 AESHM 211 iii

MATH 104

ECON 101 three

MATH 105

Outcome 277 three

MATH 140

MATH 150

COM Southward 113 3
Minor Class one (dd in FC electives) 3
sixteen 16
Fall Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
A M D 231 4 A G D 356 3 AESHM 470N 3
A M D 288X 3 A One thousand D 377 3
AESHM 311N 1 A M D 388X 3
Select one (ane) class from: 3 AESHM 280 R


AESHM 380N 3

MKT 340

STAT 101 iv
Science Option 3
Minor Course 2 (dd in FC electives) three
17 16 three
Autumn Credits Spring Credits
A M D 372 3 AESHM 474 3
Speech Choice 3 History Choice 3
Minor Class 3 3 Minor Class five iii
Small Class 4 3 Elective 3
Elective ii
14 12
Total Credits: 124

Apparel, Merchandising, and design Pocket-size

A pocket-size in Apparel, Merchandising, and Design requires (fifteen-17 cr.) of the following:

Select from: 3

A M D 121

Apparel Associates Processes

A Yard D 131

Style Products and Markets

A M D 165

Dress, Appearance, and Variety in U.Due south. Club

A M D 178

Introduction to Apparel Design Studio
Select from: iii-4

A M D 204

Fabric Science
Select from: 3-4

A M D 231

Product Evolution and Manufacturing

A Thou D 245

Aesthetics and Brand Prototype

A K D 257

Museum Studies

A M D 275

Retail Merchandising
300-400 level at Iowa Country University in A Yard D or approved AESHM 6


Hospitality and Clothes Marketing Strategies


Aesthetics of Consumer Experience


Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel


Manner Show Management


Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences

A 1000 D 305

Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel

A K D 328

Apparel, Merchandising, and Design Seminar

A 1000 D 354

Fashion History I: Prehistoric to Mid-19th Century

A M D 356

Fashion History II: Mid-19th Century to the Present

A M D 362

Cultural Perspectives of Global Wearing apparel

A One thousand D 372

Sourcing and Global Issues

A M D 375

Omni-Channel Retailing

A Chiliad D 376

Merchandise Planning and Ownership

A M D 377

Visual Presentation and Promotions

A G D 393

Wearing apparel, Merchandising, and Design Workshop

A G D 404

Innovative Textiles

A M D 431

Apparel Product Direction

A Grand D 458

Queer Fashions: History, Culture, and the Industry

A Thou D 467

Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products

A M D 475

Retail Data Analysis

A K D 490

Independent Written report

A M D 499

Undergraduate Research
Total Credits 15-17

Way, Culture, HISTORY, AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Small-scale

The Style, Culture, History, and Social Justice minor will benefit emerging professionals and future leaders entering the way, museum, or other related industries become more than critical people in regards to fashion, appearance, clothing, history, and identity. Examples of a few job titles that this minor would benefit include museum curator, collections manager, research associate, main diversity officeholder, human resource roles, designers, merchandisers, product developers, and/or marketing managers.

Having an increased sensation of appearances and fashions of individuals historically experiencing oppression and marginalization can aid in societal improvements towards developing a more than socially merely environment. As students enter the workforce with a social justice background, they can better understand and work with others who are different from them. Additionally, having a better understanding of various consumers could help provide these consumers with the products they desire, in addition to avoiding public variety issues that are far too common in the fashion manufacture.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Examine historical, social/psychological, and cultural aspects of fashion, clothing, appearance, and identity with a focus on social justice
  • Define social justice, power, privilege, and inequity as it relates to the historical, social/psychological, and cultural aspects of fashion, clothing, appearance, and identity
  • Examine ability dynamics of diverse communities and cultures and their fashions, article of clothing, advent, and identities


The Mode, Culture, History, and Social Justice modest can be earned by successfully completing the following for a full of 15 credits.  All course prerequisites must exist completed prior to taking the form. All minor courses must be taken for a grade.

Required class: 3

A M D 165

Clothes, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society
Select from: half dozen

A M D 354

Manner History I: Prehistoric to Mid-19th Century

A M D 356

Fashion History 2: Mid-19th Century to the Nowadays

A Thou D 458

Queer Fashions: History, Civilization, and the Industry
Select from: 6
African and African American Studies

AF AM 201

Introduction to African American Studies

AF AM 311

Africa under Colonial Rule

AF AM 325

Peoples and Cultures of Africa.

AF AM 330

Ethnic and Race Relations

AF AM 334

Africana Religions

AF AM 347

Studies in African American Literature

AF AM 350

Women of Color in the U.Due south

AF AM 353

History of African Americans I

AF AM 354

History of African Americans Two

AF AM 473

Civil Rights and Ethnic Ability
American Indian Studies

AM IN 201

Native People in American Civilisation

AM IN 205

American Indians in the Movies

AM IN 210

Introduction to American Indian Studies

AM IN 225

American Indians of Iowa

AM IN 310

Contemporary Topics in American Indian Studies

AM IN 322

Peoples and Cultures of Native North America

AM IN 332

Electric current Issues in Native Due north America

AM IN 346

American Indian Literature


American Indians of Iowa


Peoples and Cultures of Native Due north America


Peoples and Cultures of Africa.


Current Issues in Native North America


Cross-cultural Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
American Sign Linguistic communication

ASL 107

Introduction to the Deafened-Globe

ASL 275

Topics in Deaf Civilization

ASL 325

Deafened Peoples: Pre-World War Two
Apparel, Mercahndising, and Design

A K D 362

Cultural Perspectives of Global Dress


Arab Culture

ARCH 426

Topics in Native American Architecture
Fine art History

ART H 382

Art and Architecture of Asia

ART H 384

Fine art of Islam

Fine art H 494

Women/Gender in Fine art

CHIN 272

Introduction to Chinese Culture

Mentum 370

Chinese Literature in English Translation

Chin 375

China Today

Chin 378

Chinese Motion-picture show and Society

Chin 403

Seminar in Chinese Language and Civilization
Classical Studies

CL ST 374

Sex, Gender, and Culture in the Aboriginal Mediterranean Earth

ECON 321

Economics of Bigotry

ENGL 340

Women's Literature

ENGL 344

U.S. Latino/a Literature

ENGL 346

American Indian Literature

ENGL 347

Studies in African American Literature

ENGL 352

Gay and Lesbian Literature

HIST 207

Chinese Civilization

HIST 255

Introduction to World History, 1500-Present

HIST 331

History of the Islamic World to 1800

HIST 336

History of Modern Prc I

HIST 337

History of Modern China II

HIST 338

Modern Japanese History

HIST 340

History of Latin America I

HIST 341

History of Latin America II

HIST 353

History of African Americans I

HIST 354

History of African Americans 2

HIST 371

Mexican American History

HIST 372

Latina/o History

HIST 374

Sex activity, Gender, and Culture in the Aboriginal Mediterranean Earth

HIST 380

History of Women in Science, Engineering science, and Medicine

HIST 386

History of Women in America

HIST 410

The Holocaust in History

HIST 435

History of the Modern Centre East

HIST 441

History of Modern Mexico and Fundamental America

HIST 457

History of American Sexualities

HIST 465

The American West

HIST 473

Civil Rights and Indigenous Power
Leadership Studies

LD ST 333

Gender and Leadership

LD ST 488

Research on Gender and Leadership

PHIL 235

Ethical Problems in a Various Society

PHIL 338

Feminist Philosophy
Polical Science

Politico Due south 385

Women in Politics


Psychology of Women


U.S. Latino/a Psychology
Religious Studies


Religion in America


Native American Religions (RELIG 333)


Africana Religions


Religion and Gender


Organized religion and U.S. Latino/a Literature


Religions of India



SOC 235

Social Problems and American Values

SOC 327

Gender and Sexualities in Lodge

SOC 330

Indigenous and Race Relations

SOC 331

Social Course and Inequality

SOC 332

The Latino/Latina Experience in U.S. Lodge

SOC 350

Women in Agriculture and the Food System
U.S. Latino/a Studies

Usa LS 211

Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Studies

Usa LS 323A

Latin American Anthropology: Violence and Memory

US LS 323B

Latin American Anthropology: Social movements and Republic

United states LS 323C

Latin American Anthropology: Race, Class and Gender

U.s.a. LS 323D

Latin American Anthropology: Regional Focus

United states LS 323E

Latin American Anthropology: Culture and Sport.

Usa LS 342

Religion and U.South. Latino/a Literature

US LS 343

Latin American Government and Politics

United states LS 347

U.S. Latino/a Psychology

US LS 371

Mexican American History

The states LS 372

Latina/o History

US LS 473

Ceremonious Rights and Indigenous Ability
Women'southward and Gender Studies

WGS 201

Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies

WGS 203

Introduction to Lesbian Studies

WGS 205

Introduction to Queer Studies

WGS 210

Gender and Sexuality in American Pop Culture

WGS 301

International Perspectives on Women and Gender

WGS 320


WGS 321

Economics of Discrimination

WGS 323

Gender and Communication

WGS 325

Portrayals of Gender and Sexualities in the Media

WGS 327

Gender and Sexualities in Society

WGS 333

Gender and Leadership

WGS 336

Faith and Gender

WGS 338

Feminist Philosophy

WGS 340

Women'south Literature

WGS 346

Psychology of Women

WGS 350

Women of Color in the U.Due south

WGS 352

Gay and Lesbian Literature

WGS 374

Sexual activity, Gender, and Civilization in the Aboriginal Mediterranean World

WGS 380

History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine

WGS 385

Women in Politics

WGS 386

History of Women in America

WGS 435

Gender, Globalization and Development

WGS 444

Cross-cultural Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality

WGS 457

History of American Sexualities

WGS 488

Research on Gender and Leadership

WGS 494

Women/Gender in Art
World Languages and Cultures

WLC 352

Religions of India

WLC 358



The Material Science and Product Functioning minor is targeted specifically at the scientific, innovative, evaluative, technological, and performative aspects of textiles, and will fulfill industry demands for graduates that can provide answers to complex, interdisciplinary issues linked to textile-centered products.  Textiles are utilized daily in: (a) medical procedures, (b) shelters and homes, (c) transportation, (d) physical and psychological protection, (due east) concrete operation, (f) adornment.

The minor is designed for:

  • students in the STEM fields of chemistry, chemical and biological engineering, and materials science and applied science who desire bookish experiences and noesis in another applied product area

  • students in the apparel, merchandising, and pattern, areas who desire a focused concentration on textile science and the evaluation of quality and functioning of textiles and textile products

Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the Textile Scientific discipline and Product Operation small-scale will meet the following over-arching learning objectives:

  • Employ a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics (physical, chemical and structural) of textiles/material products and the interrelationship of these characteristics to their major discipline

  • Appoint in interdisciplinary inquiry through the assay, testing and evaluation of textiles and textile products for sustainable manufacture and global applications in their major


The Textile Science and Product Performance pocket-size consists of 17 credits, including 14 credits distributed over four required classes.  Half-dozen of the ix required 300-400 level credits in the minor must be taken at Iowa Country University. Nine credits must be isolated to the minor only.

A M D 204 Textile Science 4
A Chiliad D 231 Product Development and Manufacturing 4
A M D 305 Quality Assurance of Textiles and Apparel 3
A M D 404 Innovative Textiles three
Select one for three credits from:


Supervised Professional Internship: Dress

A M D 490A

Independent Study: Cloth Science

A M D 499

Undergraduate Research

merchandising Certificate

A certificate in Merchandising requires (22 cr.) of the post-obit:

A Chiliad D 275 Retail Merchandising 3
A G D 375 Omni-Channel Retailing 3
A M D 376 Merchandise Planning and Buying 4
A M D 475 Retail Information Analysis three
Select from: 9


Principles of Direction in Human being Sciences


Hospitality and Dress Marketing Strategies


Aesthetics of Consumer Feel


Supervised Professional Internship: Apparel


Entrepreneurship in Human Sciences

A Thou D 165

Clothes, Appearance, and Variety in U.S. Society

A M D 245

Aesthetics and Brand Image

A One thousand D 372

Sourcing and Global Bug

A Grand D 377

Visual Presentation and Promotions

A 1000 D 467

Consumer Studies in Apparel and Fashion Products
Total Credits 22

The AMD program offers aconcurrent B.S. and Thousand.S. degree that allows students to obtain a B.Southward. and One thousand.S. degree in dress, merchandising, and design in five years. Application for admission to the Graduate College should be made in the junior year. More data tin be plant hither:

Graduate Study

The program offers work for the concurrent Bachelor of Science and Primary of Science; Main of Scientific discipline (thesis and non-thesis options; on-campus and hybrid);  and Physician of Philosophy (on-campus and distance hybrid) with a major in apparel, merchandising, and design.  For all programs the discipline is highly interdisciplinary; programs of report are tailored to students' background and interests.  The program offers a concurrent B.South. and Grand.Southward. degree that allows students to obtain both the B.South. and Grand.S. degrees in apparel, merchandising, and blueprint in 5 years.  Application for admission to the Graduate College should exist submitted in autumn semester of the junior year.

Graduates empathise how textiles and apparel are essential in meeting individual and societal needs and understand the interdependence of nations and cultures every bit producers and consumers.  Graduates empathise various philosophies of scholarship and apply multiple methods to creative activity, inquiry, and teaching.  Stiff writing and oral communication skills help graduates disseminate scholarship and compete successfully for awards and grants.

Graduates have positions relevant to their academic experience.  All doctoral graduates have teaching experience.  Master's and doctoral graduates have experience working in team-oriented and interactive environments.  Graduates are prepared to adapt to futurity changes in their professions and to provide leadership in professional and public practice.  They bring a strong sense of ethics to research, pedagogy, and business concern endeavors.

Plan emphases for graduate study include creative blueprint and functional design; product evolution; consumer behavior; entrepreneurship; merchandising and marketing aspects of textiles and wear; acquisition and use of textiles and apparel within cultures; U.S. dress and textiles from the 19th into the 21st centuries; textiles and sustainability.


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